Wednesday, June 12, 2013

MarBle hEre, MaRbLe TheRE...

My first ever Marble Cake...but the marbling does not look so attractive...well, it is my first time though...

But the taste is good enough, my hubby n Umar love it... Alhamdulillah...recipe from here

Eat it while it still if it melt in your mouth...mmm mmm 

and below are the Coney Dogs I made before my loving hubby went to his DPA course...upon his request and also the egg tarts from the older to make my loved one's tummy happy...there's this saying...

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach"

recipe here

DiFFeREnT sTyLeS...

Old shawl, different style

New Half Moon it!easy to wear but make my face looks really round...heh...that's totally not the shawl's fault... (^_^)

mY hEroEs...

Like Abah like Umar....hehehe

KOrEaN rECiPE...

Korean Spicy Chicken Stew with Vege...recipe here

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

NeVeR iN a MiLLioN yEaRS...

...have I imagined that I will bake my own egg tarts!!! (^_^)

Alhamdulillah...recipe here and some method reference here

And below are the super easy and moist Banana Muffin...

Delish...but can you guess the secret ingredient?---->MAYONNAISE! recipe here
Hehehe...not for strict weight watchers 

WaY To gO!!!


My prince has officially pacifier-free...Hehehe

Congratulations my boy...(^_^)

Actually, it happened coincidentally. My hubby and I have tried before to persuade him with many excuses to make him wean off the pacifier, but, it never works. It only temporary and then when night came, and it is bedtime, he cried and we felt for it and gave him the pacifier instead. Last week, Umar, himself accidentally throw the pacifier and it ended up missing. 

So, this is the best opportunity. It was never a problem during the day. But when he tries to sleep, he needs the pacifier. So, there was an old orthodontic pacifier in the chiller. Opah gave it to him, but he hated it. He said "Puting ni tak sedap", and rejects it. Luckily, Opah and Atok were so determined to help us with the plan to make him wean off the pacifier. It was not easy especially during nights. The first few nights, he cried, and woke up every 2-3 hours asking for milk and did not really sleep well. He puts his finger in his mouth almost all the time.

Alhamdulillah, about less than a week, he eventually get used to it. We were all being very supportive and never bring up the word 'puting' to help him forget. He no longer ask for the pacifier and the sleeping pattern also improved. He's not tempted anymore when he sees other's pacifier. We are so proud of him. It was not easy, of course, and he is so great considering that his Ummi was actually pacifier-free at 6 years old...Hahaha...

His favorite pacifier, the only type he liked

p/s: I was so much worse than my boy. I actually bring my pacifier to the kindergarten and sneakily suck it during recess time. Hehehe. My parents tried everything but failed. One day, I went to Kuala Lumpur and my uncle, Cik Man told me one sentence, "Orang KL tak hisap puting la". That magical sentence was the reason I gave up my pacifier..(^_^)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

WaY Too CLinGy...

I have always been one of those clingy gf /wife... Especially now that my husband is in his DPA course for 6 months, he's so busy and has little time to text or call me, I think my clinginess got a lot worse...So, I googled and found this on wikihow...I try to sum it up...


  1. Work on Yourself
    • Build your confidence
      • Learn to love yourself, make use of your special ability and addressing your flaws
    • Work on your trust issues
      • Let go of people who hurt you in the past and fell more open to trust people without being with them all the time
    • Ease your anxiety
      • Reduce your stress and try to tell yourself that it is ok to meet new people
    • Talk to someone
      • Talk to a close friend or family member and find the root cause of your clinginess
  2. Live a More Fulfilling Life
    • Pursue your own interest
      • Find your passion, try a fun exercise and work on your hobby to distract yourself and fill your time
    • Pursue your own goals
      • Set some short term goals, then make plan for long term one and write about it
    • Expand your social network
      • Be friendlier to your colleague, or get in touch with old friends
    • Learn to like being alone
      • Enjoy some 'me-time', it can be either walking, reading and so on.
    • Volunteer
      • Helping out your community, it can fill your time as well as expanding your social network
  3. Manage your Relationship
    • Give people space
      • Being apart with someone actually make that person appreciate you more
      • Don't constantly text, call or 'show up' to hang out
    • Take it slow when you meet someone new
      • Take it easy and relax when you meet new person. Don't be too open and don't initiate every hangout
    • Don't baby anyone
      • Don't assume that people always need you to take care of them, if they need help, they'll ask
    • Watch your body language
      • Don't stand too close or hold hands the whole time, etc
    • Don't get taken for granted
      • It is often the downfall of being too clingy, so make it clear you have other people in your social network and other things to do
      • Don't answer your phone or reply to text instantly every time
    • Enjoy keeping a healthy distance
      • Keeping a healthy distance will give you more time to work your on your own issues and you'll learn to love being alone sometimes