Wednesday, January 26, 2011

SePAruh JaLAN...

aiyak...saya sudah lapar

padahal sudah janji sama diri sendiri takmo makan until abis wash n filter all 10 samples...

baru 6 samples, lapar sudah...

kini sudah jam 3.20 petang...

masih belum lunch...

lebih kurang pukul 5.00 baru siap...

mau makan apa ye?....

yOU tHInk So...?

What are the qualities or characteristics of a good researcher?

A good researcher is never satisfied by one or two sources.They always dig a little deeper to find the answers.They also can take the research and convey it in terms that a common person can understand.If you can no longer ask the question "what if" then you have the answer and no longer need to do research.



just a lil update before i go to the lab...

i am doing fine here in Penang, go back to Ipoh every weekend...enjoying every second with my baby boy and hubby...

still got a LOT to do for my labwork...hope everything will be fine...

trying really hard to think positive and push all the negative thoughts far away...

taking vit C supplement and actually feeling better...

and Oh, I almost forget, my body fat percentage is way too high...need to take some action...exercise?eat oats perhaps?...ughh!!advising people is very easy, but actually doing it ourselves, is so me,you can ask any 'pegawai zat makanan'...been here done that...hehehe...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Semasa saya asyik mengeluh dan bersedih...

saya terlupa...

bahawa saya sebenarnya cukup2 bertuah...

punya suami, anak, parents, family dan sahabat2 yang sangat menyayangi saya dan very supportive...

punya kerja yang baik, gaji, scholarship lagi...

cukup makan, pakai, boleh tambah simpanan pula tu...

maafkan aku Ya Allah...

aku lalai dan lupa untuk mensyukuri segala nikmat yang Kau berikan...

Alhamdulillah atas segalanya...

Thank You Allah...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

insan lemah...

aku insan lemah
i am not strong anymore
please Allah...berikan aku sinar baru